The Fitness Industry is Broken


Bit of a miserable way to start a blog, you say? Well, here at Purple Patch, we pride ourselves on honesty, so bear with me. I promise it isn’t all doom and gloom. This blog is for those of you out there who just can’t seem to stick with lofty fitness goals and health ambitions. Throw the crazed advice of self-help gurus and health nuts out the window. We want you to be practical. We want you to reach your fitness and health goals. We want you to adopt a performance lifestyle. The journey to more energy, better health, and improved performance isn’t quick or easy, but by avoiding the marketing messages pedaled by the fitness industry, it’s possible. At Purple Patch, we focus on steadfast commitment, tailored programs, and long-term goals. So let’s get into how you can make your upcoming year successful.

  1. What the Fitness Industry Gets Wrong

  2. A Better Path to Predictable Performance Gains

What the Fitness Industry Gets Wrong

No matter how well-meaning the fitness industry seems or claims to be, here are some common themes in mainstream fitness trends that we at Purple Patch avoid, like the plague.

Allow me to use Jack's fictitious character as a case study to explain these somewhat concerning prescriptions.

  • Jack is a devoted husband and father of two. In addition, he works a demanding job at a tech company. As a result, he is highly time-starved and often stressed.

  • Despite the obvious time constraints, Jack desires to improve his health and daily energy.

  • Due to Jack’s numerous responsibilities, his prioritization and time-management are poor regarding his health and well-being, often leading to suboptimal sleeping and eating habits.

  • Additionally, Jack’s energy consistency is all over the place. In the morning, he is energized but high-strung. In the afternoon, he slumps. Then, he finds himself unable to sleep at night.

  • The bombardment of information from online health and fitness sources has left Jack confused and paralyzed. In his own (delicate) words: “I don’t know if I’m supposed to have steak every night or eat the same thing as the cows eat on the farm down the road. As soon as I start researching, I am told fat is the answer, and then I'm told it’s a plant-based diet. I am so confused and lost.”

  • It may be no surprise that Jack falls short of his fitness goals, and his health is suffering.

  • Despite the positive intent Jack has for himself, where does he turn? First, let’s examine how the fitness industry directs Jack.

A Flawed System

Most fitness programs on the market are engineered to be short-term focused (e.g., ‘get your dream body in 6 weeks!’). Unfortunately, this usually means they rely on ineffective ‘quick fixes.’

  • The industry is designed to appeal to a massive variety of customers. This means that their programs are not tailored to the individual, lack specificity and, therefore, effectiveness.

    • No specific goal or journey means that exercise is random.

    • Lack of performance progression – the training stimulus gets stale, the body does not continue adapting, and motivation wanes.

  • Much of the fitness and health industry is based on evangelistic thinking, e.g., exercise alone will transform your life, or going plant-based will solve all your issues.

  • Untailored or focused sessions are boring and often too tough or too easy. As a result, athletes get dropped in a program without proper direction and rapidly plateau, or, worse, burnout.

Finally, a significant flaw in the mainstream approach to fitness is the isolation of focus: changing one thing about a struggling person’s lifestyle without giving proper attention to the importance of an individual’s multi-faceted lifestyle. Think of Jack focusing solely on manically exercising at 5 am every morning or going full vegan for a month only to return to his other less than optimal habits.

A Better Path to Predictable Performance Gains

Success is only built on a long-term mindset with a solid foundation of habits that, by definition, must be integrated into life. It cannot dominate, shouldn’t turn you into a monk, and must be enjoyable. It, equally, requires commitment, planning, and some hard graft. Therefore, our number one tool for success at Purple Patch is to use the habits and strategies of the highly successful in creating our own tailored, individual approaches to fitness and health. That, and deploying those habits consistently over time. No need for perfection; just hit the basics consistently over time.

Seek Lessons From the Highly Successful

First, it is critical to remember that while we draw lessons from successful people, we do not just mimic their behavior. Everyone’s needs and motivations are different. Specificity is key.

Professional athletes, for example, provide a good template for success. There are, however, many things that you, as a time-starved amateur, cannot, and should not, emulate.

Here are the 7 key lessons from pros athletes:

  1. Dump the exercise mindset: Instead, train, which means progression and structure. A quarter of our athletes at Purple Patch never compete, but we all train.

  2. Elevate recovery: Schedule time for easier days, both mentally and physically.

  3. Elevate sleep: Prioritize getting 7 to 9 hours nightly. Don’t be afraid to embrace naps.

  4. Fuel after every workout: To recover properly, you need to intake carbs and protein after completing any workout.

  5. Embrace coaching: Many folks out there have studied health and fitness their entire lives. Allow them to guide you through the fitness journey.

  6. Find a community: Being surrounded by like-minded people will make the hard days more manageable and keep you accountable when you don’t feel like getting out of bed.

  7. Pillars of performance: In the complicated fitness and health world, it is helpful to focus on the critical elements of a performance lifestyle: training, nutrition, sleep, and recovery.

Nail these, and you will:

  1. Have a better chance of enjoying the journey while still engaging fully in life outside training.

  2. Begin to develop a sense of logic, control, and understanding around your performance journey.

  3. Gain more predictable, stable, and higher energy levels.

High-performance living should not be an impenetrable fortress or maze of confusion.

There’s no time like the present. Launch your fitness journey now. Don’t listen to empty promises and ‘6-week abs.’ How about a lifetime commitment to performance? Do it for yourself and do it for the long term.

Here at Purple Patch, we have just released a host of new initiatives centered around fostering sustainable fitness and health progression. Look no further if you’re interested in the individually tailored run, bike, or strength programs.

For more information, reach out to

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