Nancy Clarke


Senior Coach

A Little About Nancy

Nancy has a long sports history as a runner, swimmer, and collegiate rower turned triathlete.

She was an original Purple Patch athlete in the early years, where she qualified and competed in multiple 70.IM World Championships. Nancy understands the power and effectiveness of the holistic Purple Patch coaching approach and moved into a coaching position helping others to meet and exceed their goals.

Over the past several years, Nancy’s educational development has been focused on female performance in endurance sports and broader life. With expertise in female physiology focusing on pregnancy, perimenopause, to menopause, Nancy helps athletes and performance-minded women work with that unique physiology to foster improvement and peak performance at any age.

Athletic Highlights

D1 Collegiate Rower

Boston Marathon

Multiple 70.3 IM WC

SwimRun Orcas Island

Gravel bike adventures

Coaching Experience

  • 10+ years coaching triathletes and runners

  • Multiple 70.3 World Championship qualifiers

  • Hawaii IRONMAN World Championship qualifiers

  • Boston Marathon qualifiers, including a 6-star medal recipient

  • Specializing in female health and optimized performance

Support Crew

Nancy is supported by her adventure-seeking husband and two amazing kids.

Did you know?

When Nancy isn’t coaching or training herself, she can be found at the pool watching her kids swim; both are competitive swimmers.