IRONMAN World Championship Kona - 2019 Course Preview



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Pre-Dinner Shake-out Run with Purple Patch Pro, Chelsea Sodaro

Open Water Swim with Purple Patch Founder and Head Coach, Matt Dixon

Pre-Race Meet-Up and Course Overview with Matt Dixon

  • Thursday, October 10, 2019

  • Time:  3:30 PM

  • Meeting Point:  Island Java Lava

  • RSVP to Attend


From Purple Patch Founder and Head Coach, Matt Dixon.


The Queen of the racing circuit is the IRONMAN Hawaii World Championship, a unique and special event that brings the highest physical and emotional challenge to racers, as well as a large amount of hysteria and fear for so many.  This is a special race, and it has its own brand of challenges for athletes to face, but the focus and history of this race means there are few surprises to success on the Island.

  • As you read this course overview, I encourage you not to forget what has made you successful in other races.  Ensure you keep things simple, rely on nailing the absolute basics as a foundation of your success, and realize that the environmental challenges require a patient and diligent effort throughout race day to yield the best results.

  • As magic as this race is, there is no magic! It is about arriving to race day fresh, executing a patient day, never forgetting to eat and drink, and remaining focused on the elements that you can control throughout the day.  You will be stretched beyond other races, you will hit tragically low emotions, and it won’t feel like many other races. With this said, commit to your process and the things that have worked for you in the past, and you can have a terrific day.

  • I hope this document helps you plan your day.  Best of luck from myself and the entire Purple Patch Team.



Kona is extremely hot, humid, and windy. Temperatures on race day range from 82 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit and can exceed 100!  The humidity hovers around 85% during the coolest part of the day (evening) and 40% during the warmest part of the day (afternoon). Crosswinds on portions of the bike course sometimes get as high as 60 mph. The good news about this is that you KNOW it’s going to be hot and can prepare.  This makes Kona easier to prepare for temperature-wise than races located in less weather-consistent locales. The heat makes it all the more important to… 

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

When you’re racing in Kona, you’ll be dealing with heat and humidity.  Really pay attention to your hydration and nutrition and concentrate on keeping your core temperature cool.  Don’t be fooled on the bike - the breeze from riding might help you to feel cooler, but you still have to hydrate, take in electrolytes, potentially added salt, and manage that core temperature.  Core temperature management is going to be even more key once you’re on the run.

Athlete Check-in

Location:  KBH Ballrooms 2, 3, 4

  • Tuesday, October 8, 2019:  9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

  • Wednesday, October 9, 2019:  9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

  • Thursday, October 10, 2019:  9:00 AM - 2:00 PM FINAL DAY

Race Briefing

  • Wednesday, October 9, 2019

    Location:  KBH Lu`au Grounds

    • 9:00 AM:  Chinese

    • 10:00 AM:  German

    • 11:00 AM:  French

    • 12:00 PM:  Spanish

    • 1:00 PM:  Portuguese

    • 2:00 PM: Japanese

  • Thursday, October 10, 2019

    Location:  KBH Parking Lot 

    • 8:00 PM:  English (following the E Komo Mai Banquet)

  • Friday, October 11, 2019

    Location:  KBH Paddlers Restaurant

    • 9:00 AM:  Physically Challenged and Handcycle Athletes

Mandatory Bike and Gear Check-in

Location:  Bike Compound Area, Kailua Pier

  • #1 - #1250:  Friday, October 11, 2019  11:30 AM - 2:30 PM

  • #1251 and over:  Friday, October 11, 2019  2:30 - 6:00 PM

Race Day:  Saturday, October 12, 2019

Swim Check-in and Body Marking

Location:  KBH Parking Lot

  • 4:45 - 7:00 AM

Athlete and Spectator Shuttle Bus Service

There will be continuous service on Ali`i Drive from Keauhou Shopping Center (Longs Drugs) to Hale Halawai Park.

Please note:

  • If you do not board the shuttle at the Longs Drugs start point, please walk north from your point of origin on the mauka (mountain) side of Ali`i Drive and a Shuttle will pull over to pick you up as it heads to town.

  • There will be multiple shuttles doing continuous loops. If a shuttle is full, another will be only minutes behind it.

  • Athletes will take priority on shuttle seats to ensure timely arrival.

  • Shuttles are for northbound transportation only and all passengers must disembark at Hale Halawai Park in Kona town.

  • No passengers will be allowed on any shuttle southbound return leg.

  • No bikes, luggage or equipment may be transferred by the shuttles at any time. Your kokua (support) is appreciated.

Official Race Start

  • 6:25 AM:  Male Professional/Elite Athletes

  • 6:30 AM:  Female Professional/Elite Athletes

  • 6:35 AM:  PC Open/Exhibition and HC

  • 6:55 AM:  Male 18-39

  • 7:00 AM:  Male 40-44

  • 7:05 AM:  Male 45-49

  • 7:10 AM:  Male 50+

  • 7:15 AM:  Female 18-39 

  • 7:20 AM:  Female 40-54

  • 7:25 AM:  Female 55+

  • 7:30 AM:  Legacy

Course Cut-Off Times


  • The cut-off time for the swim segment is 2 hours and 20 minutes after your designated wave start time.

  • Swim to Bike Transition Cut-Off:  Swim to Bike Transition will close at 10:05 AM.


  • The cut-off time for the bike segment is 10 hours and 30 minutes after your designated wave start time.

  • Intermediate Bike Cut-Off Times and Locations

    • Hawi turnaround (60 Mile)- 2:35 PM

    • Kawaihae (77.6 Mile) - 3:40 PM

    • Kaupulehu Road (98 Mile) - 5:00 PM

  • Athletes that have not completed the bike course by the above cut-off times indicated will not be permitted to continue the race.

  • Bike to Run Transition Cut-Off:  Bike to Run Transition will close at 6:15 PM.


  • The cut-off time for the IRONMAN® World Championship is 17 hours  after your designated wave start time.

  • Intermediate Run Cut-Off Times and Locations:

    • Top of Palani Road and Queen Ka`ahumanu Highway (7.7 Mile) - 8:10 PM

    • Natural Energy Lab Authority (exit) (18.5 Mile)  - 10:40 PM

Finish Line Cut-Off

• The race will officially end 17 hours  after your designated wave start time. Rest stops, transitions, etc. will be included in your total elapsed time. Splits will also be recorded for each segment of the race. In addition to the 17 hour overall cutoff time, there are cut-off times for each segment of the race (se above).


Pre-Race Bike Tips

  • With the large temperature swings of the heat in the middle of the day to cooler nights, it is worth removing some of your air in your tires when you rack your bike the night before the race.

  • Race morning, pump your tires to your race pressure. This will reduce the risk of pressure-related blowouts when the bike is racked the day prior.


Pre-Race Tips from Purple Patch Pro, Sarah Piampiano

  • Kona is all about managing the elements - the heat, the wind, the sun.  People tend to forget these things when the gun goes off and get carried away with the adrenaline and excitement of the race, often going too hard and ignoring fueling and hydration protocol.  For me - my KEY focuses in the race are making sure I drink every 10 minutes, eat every 20 and keep my body as cool as possible. If I do these things, I typically feel pretty darn good throughout the day.  If I don't, I slowly begin to unravel.

  • My biggest piece of advice is stay process oriented.  It has never been more important in an Ironman race than it is in Kona.

  • Mentally, the heat is not a huge thing for me.  Personally, I quite like racing in hot weather, but it’s certainly going to have an impact. If it’s really hot and humid your sweat rate is going to be higher and you’re going to sweat much more than if it’s really dry and cool.  In terms of things to remember is that you have to continue to hydrate. My focus tends to be on core temperature and keeping my core temperature cool. So, doing things like taking ice on the run and having it down your shirt become important.


Pre-Race Tips from Matt Dixon

Don’t forget to warm up.  One of the biggest mistakes I see is the lack of a warm-up prior to the swim. At any distance, a lack of warm-up is a performance inhibitor for many athletes (pros and all the way down).

  1. Set up transition: arrive with lots of time to spare.  Remember you must manage the logistics of a down-river swim, so plan early and understand where to go.

  2. Running warm-up: 10-15 minutes of very easy jogging. When return have a little fuel and hydration.

  3. Check transition and put on the wetsuit: final preps, kiss your family, friends, dogs, and teammates. 

  4. Swim warm-up: check the course buoys one more time then go:

    • 3-5 min easy swimming then:

    • 30 sec moderate

    • 30 sec smooth

    • 20 sec strong

    • 30 sec smooth

    • 10 sec V strong

    • 30 sec smooth

    • 20 sec strong

    • 30 sec smooth

    • 30 sec moderate

    • Can go through twice if you wish! 

Ready to race.


Length: 2.4 miles


Water Temperature

Water temperature in Kailua Bay is typically about 79 degrees F/26 degrees C.


Wave Start at Kailua Pier 

Please refer to Race Day Start Times for specifics.

  • Without a doubt, this swim start is the most emotionally charged start in the sport, thanks to TV helicopters, enthusiastic spectators and the sun rising over Mt. Hualalai. Currents can sometimes be a factor, so a few pre-race practice swims in the bay are advised. The swim start will be congested. To minimize the physical and psychological hazards, wait a few seconds for the crowd to disperse. Self-Seed Rolling Start.

Swim Overview

  • The swim course is an elongated rectangle, over 1 mile long and 100 yards wide. It starts on the east side of the Kailua Pier, goes south 1.2 miles, rounds the Body Glove boat and then returns to the pier.

  • Athletes must swim in a clockwise direction, keep all marker buoys on their right and swim around the turnaround buoy.

  • The start line will be in the water approximately 60 yards from shore. The swim finish line will be accentuated by one or more colorful “targets.” Lane lines will mark the channel to the swim exit. 

  • Even with these race day targets, it is highly recommended that in training and even during the race, you use Courtyard by Marriott King Kamehameha’s Kona Beach Hotel as your sighting reference. 

  • There is usually no surf, but you may encounter small swells parallel to the course. Wind chop does not usually occur early in the morning.  Currents vary, but are usually weak when moving across the course.

  • NOTE: The volunteers on the surfboards will make sure you swim outside the buoys and swim a proper race.  Do not attempt to swim around them. Cooperate. They are not going to move out of your way. 

  • WARNING:  The rocks and sides of the Kailua Pier often have sea urchins on them. Always look before putting your feet down, as stepping on one could result in serious injury keeping you from competing in the race.

Swim Course Depth Facts

Over half the course is approximately 20 feet deep.  Some depths can reach up to 90 feet.


Swim Gear Tip

You might want tinted goggles on this one. When the sun rises over Mt. Hualalai, it can be rather blinding.


  • For most amateurs, drafting is overrated, as the person you are following is likely as poor as you at sighting. Focus on your output, swimming straight, then tuck into a nice draft IF there is an opportunity.


Swim Tips from Matt Dixon

  • As with any IRONMAN, begin controlled and no more than 80% effort. I would line up to the side, but not too close to the pier, as it tends to be congested to the first buoy.

  • As ever, the key to your fastest swim (the Kona swim is never fast, think 3-7 minutes slower than typical for amateurs) is sighting frequently, every six strokes. Swim in a straight line!  Overall, make it a building effort and enjoy the fish.


Swim Tips from Sarah Piampiano

  • The swim is AMAZING, perfect temps and clear water.  The conditions can vary from day to day in terms of current, swell, choppiness.  Just be prepared for a tough swim.

  • The water is exceptionally salty and takes quite a bit out of you.  Know that feeling dehydrated after the swim is common. Use the first 10-15 miles to slowly sip on fluids to rehydrate yourself.

T1 Tips

  • Take your time in transition and get some fluids, as fluid replenishment is a huge part of Kona success. With the salt water of the ocean, I would avoid electrolyte drinks of fuel in T1.


Length: 112 miles


Bike Course Overview

  • As cyclists make their way north along the Queen Ka'ahumanu Highway, from Kailua-Kona to the turnaround in Hawi, they can be exposed to intense trade winds that buffet much of the exposed western and northern coast of the Big Island. The winds vary in intensity from steady to heavy blasts that can blow cyclists across the road. For this reason, disc wheels are not permitted.

  • CAUTION: The Queen Ka`ahumanu Highway is under construction. Use caution and awareness of traffic transitions, message boards, barricades, steel plates and delineators along the highway. Remember to always ride single file.

  • From Ali`i Drive to the airport, a sea breeze blows from the ocean across the Queen Ka`ahumanu Highway approximately 10 to12 mph. During the evening, this wind reverses and blows from the mountains. From the airport area to Hawi, you will be biking into the legendary Ho`omumuku headwinds that are most noticeable on this portion of the bike course north of the airport. These winds blow 5 to 35 mph, and in extreme conditions can gust up to 60 mph.

  • After the Hawi turnaround, you will usually have these winds at your back to Kawaihae and sidewinds again along Highway 19. While air temperatures may register in the high 80s to low 90s Fahrenheit, temperatures along this section of the course may exceed 100 Fahrenheit due to the reflected heat from the lava and asphalt. leads.


Bike Elevation

  • Start:  5 ft (2m)

  • Finish:  5 ft (2m)

  • Total Gain:  5814 ft (1772m)

Bike Course Nutrition at Aid Stations

  • Gatorade Endurance Formula: Orange Bike Bottles

  • Water

  • Cola

  • Red Bull (full cans)

  • Bananas and Oranges

  • Himalayan Salt Kettle Chips

  • Quantum Energy Bars: Coffee Mocha Almond Chip and Coconut Almond Chip

  • GU Roctane Gels



  • The bike course requires being smart, patient and not being overrun by the other athletes around you.  Following the initial piece in town, patience is needed as you head the 30+ miles up the Queen K. The key here is controlled and smooth riding and ensuring you are maintaining good posture and fueling (hydration and fuel!).

  • Once you begin the out and back climb to Hawi, treat it as a building section. The climb is one of three pieces; the initial fast rolling piece, the bigger rollers and steeper grade, then the nasty last 5 miles with the steepest grade which can be into a block head wind,.  Keep fueling, build the effort, and manage the terrain well. Coming down the other side, you need to keep tension on the chain throughout and stay supple and relaxed, even if windy.

  • You will then hit the Queen K home, and while it feels like you are close to home, THIS is where the bike begins.  Very tough to ride home well, and so reset the mind and aim to have your best riding occur all the way home.

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Bike Tips from Matt Dixon

Prepare for the likely/worst conditions Kona has to offer with regards to strong winds and extreme heat.  If you do so and then manage the actual conditions on the day, any other conditions will be a bonus. Break the course into five segments:

  1. T1 to the Queen K has varied terrain, two significant climbs and plenty of distractions with other competitors and crowd support.  This section is perfect for varying the load, working the swim and T1 out of the system and finding your legs.

  2. Top of Palani to Kawaihae has high rider density for the first 15-20 miles - this is where you find YOUR rhythm with output, fueling and hydration - avoid being sucked in to what is happening around you. For example, patience may be required as energy to pass your group may count against you later. You will often encounter a building headwind on your right shoulder as you go.

  3. Kawaihae to Hawi has an uphill start for the first 3 miles followed by a rolling section and a dip that brings you to the last 5 miles to the turn around, the wind normally builds over this section to be strong on your right shoulder. With around 5 miles to the turn the rollers turn into a steady uphill grade with the road swinging around to the right - straight into the wind. If the wind is strong be prepared to ride this section with a little more tension and power than your race average or this will become a death march. Settle yourself as you reach the shelter of the trees in the last mile and think about Special Needs - important if this is a key element of your plan, do what is required to get what you need - even a brief stop.

  4. Hawi to the Queen K, starts with the first mile rolling and a chance to sort yourself out for the fastest piece of the course - a steady downhill with a potentially strong tail wind, speeds well in excess of 50mph are possible here. As the road swings to the left be prepared for strong crosswinds at high speed - stay relaxed, keep some tension on the chain and practice your ‘managing the wind’ riding technique. This fast speed crosswind section does not last very long as you rediscover the rolling climbs on the return journey - you may also strike a headwind here as your first hint of what is to come with a building wind off the ocean. Be mindful of keeping a little tension on the chain as you approach the left turn in Kawaihae that takes you into the hottest hill on the course. Ride this well - not hard - add some variation of load and set yourself up for the home stretch.

  5. Queen K to T2 starts with rolling terrain and a net downhill towards the Mauna Lani where the road flattens and you may encounter a building head wind on your right shoulder that will be your "friend" until you reach the airport where it often eases a little. As the rolling terrain begins again you will encounter the climb to Scenic Point which is relentless but if managed well not overly challenging. It is vital that you maintain focus throughout this part of the course as many athletes often experience a drop in performance here that is more related to not managing the headwind and terrain, than decline in physical output. Somewhere around the airport it is time to switch your attention to riding in the way that best prepares you for the run with consideration to load, variation, postural stress, hydration and nutrition.

Throughout the course:

  • Manage the overall effort.

  • Manage the terrain and conditions.

  • Manage the nutrition and hydration.

  • Let the terrain build the power.

  • If the load decreases speed should increase - minimize the distance it takes to transition to the faster speed - but do it fluidly. 

Smile -  it is "Kona" and you love riding your bike on a hot, windy day.


Bike Tips from Sarah Piampiano

  • ThPatience is key!  The first 6-7 miles of the bike course are through town. The crowds are large and people have a ton of adrenaline.  I typically always focus on my breathing and know I am going too hard if my am too breathless. I force myself to get my breathing under control and calm down.  A steady and patient first half of the bike is important.

  • Drink and eat regularly - that is my biggest focus on the bike.  Hydrating and fueling have a big impact on how you feel on the run.

  • At aid stations, use cold water to manage your core temperature - pour water on your hands, feet, head, and down your front. 

  • The winds at Hawi can be tough, but focusing on keeping a consistent cadence - even if you feel like you are going nowhere - will be a huge benefit on that part of the course.

Bike Tips for Age Groupers

  • In Kona, you will be competing against some of the strongest riders in the world.  Ignore how fast or slow they are going, focus on your own ride and remain steady. If you hold back early, you should set yourself up for a strong return trip from Hawi.

  • Beware the Tradewinds!  The winds out to and back from Hawi can be brutal and literally blow you off the road.  Not only will you need to figure out how to keep your nutrition and hydration going under tough circumstances, but you will also need to figure out how to keep yourself on the road.  Note: The effect of the oncoming wind can be judged by observing the riders ahead of you.

  • There are steep hills on the return trip from Hawi!  People tend to forget about the Kawaihae hill (just after you descend from Hawi as you head to the Queen K).  It’s really tough. The second hill to look out for on the return trip is the Scenic Point hill (before the airport).  These are both steep and can be really hot. Remember, the slower you go, the hotter it will be. Have adequate gearing and be very smart on your pacing so you can remain steady here.

  • During the final 20 miles of the bike, you hopefully come back to that tailwind which propelled you out at the start.  Though it could also be in your face. Remaining in aero through this portion can be critical to your race. Try to remain strong and keep going steadily.  Good luck.


Length: 26.2 miles


Run Course Overview

  • After an out and back trip through the crowds of Kona town and Alii Drive, runners head up Palani Road to the Queen Ka'ahumanu Highway and the challenges that await on it. Their destination is the infamous Natural Energy Laboratory Hawai`i Authority (NELHA), with this year's course featuring more miles in NELHA than ever before. 

  • After a return trip on the highway all that's left is a victory lap through Kona town and the excitement of the finish line.

  • Unless cloud cover or nightfall spares you, anticipate high heat and humidity on the run course.


Run Elevation

  • Start:  5 ft (2m)

  • Finish:  5 ft (2m)

  • Total Gain:  1009 ft (307m)

Run Course Nutrition at Aid Stations

  • Gatorade Endurance Formula: Lemon-Lime

  • Water

  • Cola

  • Red Bull (in cups)

  • Bananas and Oranges

  • Himalayan Salt Kettle Chips

  • Chicken Broth

  • Quantum Energy Bars: Coffee Mocha Almond Chip and Coconut Almond Chip

  • GU Roctane Gels

  • Fig Newtons



Run Tips from Matt Dixon

  • You need to have your landmarks picked out in the run.  Begin with the pure aim of getting to good form. It is your only chance to set the stage for good form in the entire run, so take advantage.

  • You will have a large crowd, so patience is needed, as you will need all your emotional energy later in the run.  Stay patient in the initial 9 miles along Ali’i Drive, then manage the effort up the famous Palani Hill.

  • You now hit the Queen K, and the lonely and tough journey begins.  With this, manage yourself, maintain foot speed, and control efforts on any uphill grade.

  • If you maintain your effort and manage the terrain, you will have a much better chance of a solid run performance.


Run Tips from Sarah Piampiano

  • Like the bike, patience is the name of the game.  A lot of people get off the bike and run the first 8 - 9 miles too hard.  There is some shade on Ali'i Drive, and the crowd support gets everyone amped up.  But the key is even pacing. I typically spend the first 3-4 miles really focusing on getting in fluids and calories as well as spending time at each aid station taking in ice and cold water to get my core temperature down.  NOT putting an emphasis on this in the first miles will come back to haunt you - no matter how good you feel in the first part of the run. As Matt says - if you feel great the last 6 miles, you can then run fast!

  • Once out onto the Queen K, the course gets a bit lonely - fewer spectators, direct sun and HEAT.  It is tough. I tend to focus on form, breath control and cadence during this part of the course.

Run Tips for Age Groupers

  • Do your best to keep your feet dry.  Those first 8 - 9 miles off the bike on Ali’i Drive can be so hot without that “bike breeze.”  You might feel like the Human Torch. You will, of course, want to get cool, but don’t get your feet soaking wet.  You don’t want to get blisters and suffer through your marathon like a rented mule. Consider putting extra socks and even an extra pair of running shoes in your Special Needs Bag.  You might want them.

  • Try to lock down your cooling strategy early on the run so you can maintain effort, heart rate, and get on with it.  It’s emotional!

Running in the Heat:  Tips From Sarah Piampiano

  • Typically, when I go through aid stations, I always grab a cup of ice, a cup of water, and a cup of electrolytes.  And I hold it to make sure the liquid is cooled by the ice before I drink it because that’s going to be key to maintaining your internal core temperature and keep it down.

  • One of the things I have always struggled with in really hot weather races is that you can be on the bike and it is really hot outside, but everything feels okay because when you’re riding, you have that breeze going by, keeping you cooler. Then you get off the bike and all of a sudden you feel like the heat and the humidity are this huge weight on your shoulders, and you feel like you’re completely overheating.

  • So, I tend to take a lot of time in transition, and particularly in the first couple of aid stations, to really focus on core temperature management than anything else.  Because once you get your core temperature under control you can run really well. And if it’s not under control, it’s going to have an impact on the rest of your race.

  • When I’m on the run I have my top tucked in, and I’ll get a cup of ice, a cup of water, and some electrolyte drink.  I pour half the water into my ice cup, I throw the other half into the electrolyte drink or pour some electrolyte drink into the ice I’m getting electrolytes, I’m getting water.  I hold it until it’s cold, I drink it, then I pour the rest of the ice down my jersey and I actually move it down to my lower back. I find that by doing this I get really good core cooling.  And then I also will hold pieces of ice in my hand and that helps a lot with core temperature management. All of this will help you keep cool, and having some ice down by your stomach or abdomen is also really good.

Running After Dark

  • Many athletes will still be on the course after dark. There are a limited number of street lights along the highway and the moon on the night of the race could be obscured by clouds. On a moonless night in Kona, it is very dark. We urge all of you to make yourselves as visible as possible.

  • In addition to the required hot spots on your shoes (heels and toes) and reflective tape on your shorts (front and back), we suggest you use additional reflective tape or other materials to make yourself visible from both the front and the rear to cars and other runners. Illuminated light sticks will be available at the aid stations.  All athletes still on the course at dusk will be required to obtain a lightstick for the duration of the race.


Focus on the process not outcome.

  • Triathlons can elicit monkey brain. You may start asking yourself a lot of questions during the race, and lose focus on the immediate task at hand. Controlling that attention and focus is part of the challenge and the fun.

  • Don't evaluate too early. Many athletes start evaluating their performances before they finish the race and leave some potential strewn across the course.  Triathlons require you to remain focused on execution and process, without a thought of the outcome during the race. Save your race evaluation for the recovery tent.

  • Fueling: Check in with yourself throughout the race and continually assess your calories and hydration intake. It may be hot this year, so think about that when you are planning your hydration and remember calories every 10-15 minutes. If your mood starts to drop, it is likely calories.

  • Pacing: Managing your effort, gearing, and pacing in each part of the race.

  • Form: Staying supple on the bike, good tension on the chain, running tall on the run with good foot-speed. Basically, all the things we have talked about so far!

    Don’t let the support, terrain and spirit of this course deceive you. It is a wonderful race, so go have fun and embrace it.  This is the World Champs afterall. Have a super day.

    Best of luck, we will see you on the course.