If you have trained and raced endurance sports for a while, you have been a ‘victim’ of the latest training methodologies and modalities that arise every year. Unfortunately, most of these methodologies and practices don’t pan out as intended. Mid-season breaks are not yet a staple in the endurance community, but many would benefit from their implementation.
Read MoreIn this week’s blog, we delve into the methods for maximizing run performance off the bike. This is your need-to-know on how to remain injury-free during training and optimize run performance within the demands of a triathlon. The approach Matt outlines breaks through the discourse around what it takes to succeed in running off the bike.
Read MoreIf you have trained and raced endurance sports for a while, you have been a ‘victim’ of the latest training methodologies and modalities that arise every year. Unfortunately, most of these methodologies and practices don’t pan out as intended. Mid-season breaks are not yet a staple in the endurance community, but many would benefit from their implementation.
Read MoreFor many, racing a triathlon or Ironman within 1-3 weeks of one another seems impossible. However, we have good news for you, it’s more than possible, and we have a 10 point checklist and a free example plan for you to follow at the bottom of the checklist. Do you want to race back-to-back Ironman races? We’re here to tell you, do it.
Read MoreFor many, racing a triathlon or Ironman within 1-3 weeks of one another seems impossible. However, we have good news for you, it’s more than possible, and we have a 10 point checklist and a free example plan for you to follow at the bottom of the checklist. Do you want to race back-to-back Ironman races? We’re here to tell you, do it.
Read MoreNail your next triathlon or endurance race in hot and humid conditions. Don't panic if race conditions are far from perfect. Instead, use tour guide on how to race effectively in hot and humid conditions. Get the tools you need to prepare.
Read MoreDiscuss racing with any endurance athlete, and almost everyone can tell you a story of the perils and challenges of training and racing in hot and humid conditions. Some of the fittest folks on the planet implode on race day due to hot and humid environmental conditions. In fact, the annual IRONMAN World Championships in Hawaii is known to destroy people's dreams simply due
Read MoreThere are some very good triathlon coaches and programs globally, and like any industry, a few with room for improvement. If you suspect your coaching relationship is broken check out Matt’s list of red flags.
Read MoreHow do you build a sustainable long-term commitment to consistent year-round training in the context of the ever-changing and even chaotic reality of life? Matt dives in.
Read MoreWhat can you do if you find yourself behind the eight ball? You take action. In this week’s blog, Matt charts a proactive mindset to help you rescue a season of performance and outlines the key elements to nail a 16-week build to race. Be sure to share with your friends and tri-clubs!
Read MoreThis week’s blog is one you will not want to miss! Read along as Matt breaks down what stress is and how to reposition the everyday stressors in our lives as opportunities for growth and development. His argument is pretty solid - if you redefine your relationship to stress and truly commit to building practices that help you navigate challenging situations (verses just coping), powerful things happen.
Read MoreEvery professional triathlete’s journey provides a lesson in training methodology, performance evolution, and the human relationship side of coaching and education. In this week’s blog, IRONMAN Master Coach, Matt Dixon, reflects back on some of the top pros he has coached and the countless lessons and stories of inspiration that come from their performance journeys.
Read MoreIt sounds counter-intuitive, but times of stress and change are precisely the time to double down on training and pursuit of performance. Training, when done properly, can offer a framework of stability and routine (the tent pole holding down the tent in a storm) that you won’t gain in other areas of life. In this week’s blog, Matt outlines the pathways to success for thriving not only in sport, but all aspects of life, and how Purple Patch can help you create a mindset that builds adaptability and resilience.
Read MoreThe InsideTracker team includes a combination of renowned longevity doctors, sports physiologists, and registered dieticians, who base all of their recommendations on peer-reviewed science. Read on to see why we have chosen to partner with InsideTracker and how they perfectly align with our Pillars of Performance.
Read MoreThe key to heart health for athletes is awareness and risk-aversion. Read this blog for an overview of what makes your heart tick, common heart health warning signs in athletes, and our advice on preventive measures.
Take care of your heart, folks. Here’s how.
Read MoreSuccessful IRONMAN athletes build, over time, an IRON Mindset: A way of being and doing that enhances performance predictability and sets them up to be highly adaptable in all areas of life, remain focused, and resistant to fragility. Learn what it takes to build this armored approach to not only your sport, but your life.
Read MoreFrom making sure you’re appropriately dressed to cross-training and proper nutrition, these cold-weather training tips will be useful for fitness enthusiasts and more serious athletes alike.
Read MoreMost fitness programs on the market are engineered to be short-term focused and unfortunately, this usually means they rely on ineffective ‘quick fixes.’ In this blog, Matt provides 7 key lessons for achieving ongoing success in health and fitness.
Read MoreAs we end the year, you want to set yourself up for a new year of performance. Whether an athlete or otherwise, it’s beneficial to establish a smart system that helps you plan and execute. Don’t just throw out a bunch of goals and charge into the new year with a commitment to hard work - we can guarantee you will find greater success by putting some reflection and strategy behind that work.
Read MoreWe’re rapidly approaching the holiday season, and if you haven’t already started fulfilling your duties and buying gifts, it’s better late than never! We’ve put together a comprehensive gift guide for the avid triathlete or performance enthusiast in your life to ease this exhausting process a little.
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