Episode 158: Your Catalyst to Do More? Have the Courage to Recover.


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Athletes often think of recovery as a weakness or liability to their training.  Unfortunately, our barometer of success is often a simple accumulation of training hours without regard to the quality of those hours or what we do in between. If we do give a thought to recovery, it's usually in the form of a rest day or a little foam rolling after a tough session. But, is this true recovery? Are we really allowing our body to adapt to the training stress?

Through two case studies, Matt defines recovery and teaches athletes and high-performers how to integrate it into their training and life roadmap.

Chris Lieto, and how Matt adapted his training to integrate real recovery during his 2008-2009 season, ultimately leading to a 2nd place finish at the Ironman World Championships

The story of "Ken," a Purple Patch age-group athlete, who, like most of us, balance jobs, family, and other obligations. How did Matt integrate recovery into his work and training schedule? It isn't just about athletic recovery.

He also identifies three Components of Recovery and how to integrate each into a time-starved life.

1. Training Recovery

2. Lifestyle Recovery

3. Modalities

With a little planning, forethought, and honest self-reflection, you can amplify your performance with integrated recovery.

Any dipshit can work hard, but it takes courage to recover

Episode and Purple Patch Resources

Free Training Resource: Why Good Nutrition and Falling in Love with Protein is Important as an Endurance Athlete

Free Training Resource: Train to Go Gast on a Fast Course

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