Special Mini-Podcast - Bulletin Edition

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Welcome to this special bulletin-edition episode of the Purple Patch Podcast.

IRONMAN Master Coach Matt Dixon shares a quick message about a free webinar opportunity to help you conquer your IRONMAN or IRONMAN 70.3. Matt provides details on signing up to help you access information on developing effective training strategies and supportive habits to enhance your performance without compromising your schedule, sleep, or well-being.

Full Transcript

Matt Dixon 00:00

I'm Matt Dixon and welcome to the Purple Patch podcast. The mission of Purple Patch is to empower and educate every human being to reach their athletic potential. Through the lens of athletic potential, you reach your human potential. This podcast aims to help time-starved people everywhere integrate sports into their lives.


Matt Dixon 00:31

And welcome to the Purple Patch podcast. As ever, your host, Matt Dixon, and today, well, I won't keep you long. This is a special short bulletin edition of the show. You see, in this show, the Purple Patch podcast, I talk a lot about performance, whether we're talking about results in sport, and we talk about our DNA a lot, which is triathlon, or whether it's about how you can show up and perform better in the workplace, or developing a platform of health and performance across all aspects of life. And we do all we can to address the topics that are pertinent to as many of the listeners as possible. Go across the areas and try to dig as deep as you can so that you can improve in whatever is important to you. But often I wish that I could go deeper. I wish I could share more about our methodologies and how we've leveraged so much success for the Purple Patch athletes. I also really enjoy some of the live interaction that occurs, and I could answer your questions on the fly that you might have as you listen. It's tough to do on a show like this after all; it's broadcast rather than obviously communication, and that's why occasionally we double down. We love to host performance webinars, and today, I just want to take this opportunity to tell you about a free performance webinar that we are hosting next week. It's free; on August 23rd, it's at 9 a.m. Pacific. Now, if you can't attend live, don't worry. You can still register, and we're going to send you the recording afterward, but if you can attend live, there's going to be a really thorough Q&A at the end, so you can ask me any questions that you might have about the topic. The question is, what is the topic? Well, this topic is all for the triathletes this time, or perhaps the triathlon wannabes, if you are interested, and would love to go and do an Ironman or a half Ironman, but do you think, Is that possible? Could I do that? Or maybe you've been trying to do it before and you've had some struggles, or you just like to take your performance to the next level. This is the bullseye of our expertise at Purple Patch. And so the theme of it is how to nail your Ironman or half-Ironman performance in a time-starved life. In other words, integrating and being able to commit no more than around eight to 12 hours a week to the sport and some of the tools and strategies that we've employed to integrate those hours into your life so that not only can you go on and be successful, either getting across the finish line, taking your performance to the next level, or even qualifying for the World Championships, but also amplifying your health and how you show up in broader life. It's very, very strong. I want you to conquer your race as a time-starved athlete. So many people think that they're too busy, or ultimately make the mistake of throwing hours at the problem at the detriment of the rest of life, and we don't want that. Over the years, we've had tremendous success. I go on about it, but we have qualified more than 1500 athletes for world championship events, and the vast majority of those athletes have been time-starved. Our amateur athletes that have won the world championship yet gone to the faint Hawaii Ironman World Championship and won their age group or won the overall amateur title, almost all of them happen to be C-level executives as well, and that's pretty amazing. These people who have really busy schedules and are under a lot of pressure and demands are also able to perform at the highest level, and I believe that you can too. And so how do you get the best ROI on your training? We talk about it a lot in this show, but we're going to dedicate a whole hour, or I'm going to peel back the curtain, give you some strategies, talk about how we set up training, and hopefully give you a blueprint that you can go and deploy yourself. And then, at the end of the session, we're going to have a really thorough Q&A, so get your questions lined up, because you're going to be able to ask me anything you want. It's free. Alrighty, it's August 23rd; it's at 9 a.m. Pacific, and as I said, if you can't attend live, that's fine as well. We'll send you the recording, and then afterward, we're going to send you a blueprint so that you can get a lot of the education in a written format, digital. As we go from there, here's the web link: in case you're listening and you can't go to the show notes, it's go-G-O-dot-Purple Patch Fitness-IronMan Training: Go.purplepatchfitness.com/ironmantraining. Now Barry's going to pop that into the show notes for you, and so you can, you can just head to the show notes and link it through, and I will say feel free to attend. But if you could as well, I'd love it if you could share it on your social media and, of course, send it to any friends or associates that you think might benefit from the purple patch methodology. I'm looking forward to spending an hour with you in about a week, and I wish you the best of luck and a great week. And of course, next Wednesday, we'll be back with the regular programming, which is a cracking show, by the way, so don't miss that. Thanks a lot for your time, and we'll see you soon. Bye.


purple, patch, starved, absolutely, hours, performance, attend, talk, world championship, show notes, blueprint, athletes, c level executives, methodology, triathlon, won, podcast, week, sport, qualified

Carrie Barrett