Episode 78: Malindi Elmore: Multisport, Motherhood and Marathons - Enjoying the Freedom to Evolve


Malindi Elmore is the queen of evolution.

Growing up in Canada, she knew early on that running was her passion. This, after all, was a girl who was more excited about winning the 100-meter dash than the spelling bee in school.

She was raised as a multi-sport athlete who participated in soccer, field hockey, skiing, waterskiing, running, and hiking, but running was her passion, and coaches took notice early on. By 12 years old, she decided it would be the sport that would take her to the Olympics.  

After a stellar middle-distance career at Stanford, she went on to run professional and put her efforts into qualifying for the 2004 Olympics in Athens. Her dreams came true on July 1st, 2004 when she won the Canadian Track and Field Championships in 4:04 and was selected to the Olympic Team.  

Elmore retired from professional running in 2012 and, after the birth of her first son Charlie, dove headfirst into the waters of long-distance triathlon (under Coach Matt Dixon) where she raced a sub 9:00 hour Ironman in 2016, placing 3rd in her first Ironman event. 

While she enjoyed the variety of Multisport training and earning her pro card, the birth of her second child evolved priorities once again and Malindi transitioned back to her first love - RUNNING. This time? Her focus was on the marathon.

In January 2019, just six months after the birth of her second child,  Elmore ran a 2:32 at the Houston Marathon. As she writes, “A 2:32 marathon left me hungry for more and brought an old flame back into my life: the pursuit of the 2020 Olympic Games.  I realize I have a narrow window left to do some amazing things as an athlete in the sport as I will be 40 years old next year and my clock is ticking!”

There are, no doubt, many lessons to learn from this passionate coach, athlete, wife, and mother.

  • Not being defined by one label

  • Putting disappointments and injury into perspective

  • Managing life as a Mom and professional athlete

  • Embracing and leaning into change

  • Focusing on the process

  • Constant evolution in order to stay fit, fresh and passionate

Congratulations and best of luck on your Olympic pursuits. We'll, no doubt, be following along!

To learn more about Malindi:

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